SA's health minister tests positive for Covid-19

Minister of Health, Dr Joe Phaahla has today tested positive for Covid-19 after experiencing minor symptoms.
Source: Pixabay

Phaahla took tests earlier today and the results came back positive, and he immediately self-isolated.

He will perform his official duties from home for a period of seven days, and all his planned contact meetings have been rescheduled, while others
converted into virtual.

This is a reminder that the pandemic and Covid-19 infections still remain among us, hence the Department continues to report daily Covid-19 positive cases and deaths," SA's health ministry reported.

"Minister Phaahla has received two doses of the J&J Covid-19 vaccine which he believes has boosted his immunity against the severity of the virus.

"The Department would like to remind the public that lifting the Covid-19 restrictions doesn’t mean the pandemic is over, hence vaccination remains accessible at all times at selected sites."

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