Taxi strike is off the table... for now

Millions of South Africans can breathe a sigh of relief after the nationwide taxi strike was called off yesterday, Sunday, 9 July 2017.
Taxi strike is off the table... for now
© Mike Gerhardt via WC

Transport Minister Joe Maswanganyi made the announcement after meeting with the SA National Taxi Council. The strike was scheduled for Thursday.

"We agreed with the industry to put on hold the planned strike, to allow for further engagement. Both government and Santaco agreed to work together to confront the challenges the industry experiences," said Maswanganyi.

Last month Gauteng taxi owners and drivers embarked on a go-slow in protest against a lack of access to finance, subsidies for the taxi industry and operating permits.

They blocked all of the province's major highways in a bid to get their message across, causing flights from OR Tambo International Airport to be delayed.


The industry threatened to bring the country to a standstill this week if its concerns were not addressed.

Maswanganyi said the parties agreed to address issues concerning the industry and that the transport department and the taxi council would establish committees to deal with them.

He said the National Household Travel Survey indicated that taxis were the most preferred mode of transport, used by more than 68% of the public.

"It is inevitable that the issue of the subsidy for the industry needs to be addressed as a matter of urgency," said Maswanganyi.


He said the government had noted the taxi industry's "frustrations" concerning finance and that some lending institutions charge 28% interest on their vehicle loans.

"We will involve other government departments, including the Treasury, to explore possible funding mechanisms," he said.

Boy Zondi, the taxi council's second deputy president, said it could not be business as usual when it came to challenges the industry faced.

"We call on our members to give these committees a chance," said Zondi.

But he warned there needed to be "quick resolutions to assist the industry".

Source: The Times

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